Grande Baroque
Sterling Silver Flatware by Wallace Silversmiths
Year first made 1941
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Grande Baroque is our #1 Sterling Silverware Pattern.
It embodies the richness and grandeur of the Baroque Period of history.
It is exquisitely designed with a perfect balance of ornate detail and simplistic grace.
It was designed by William S. Warren.

Click Here for our Inventory list and Prices on this pattern
We also buy sterling, to sell Grande Baroque Silver - Click here.

Grande Baroque has one of the largest variety of place and serving pieces ever made for any sterling
silver flatware pattern. To find out what's available click here.
Click Here for our Inventory list and Prices on this pattern

Click Here for our Inventory list and Prices on this pattern

We also Purchase
Grande Baroque Sterling Silver.

1950's National Magazine Ad for Grande Baroque Sterling Silver Flatware